The following clauses specify the Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc. Purchase Order quality requirements. Additional or supplemental quality requirements may be specified in the body of the purchase order. The clauses do not supersede the terms and conditions of the purchase order.
Supplier shall provide and maintain an inspection system acceptable to Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc. The system must provide for sufficient inspection, records, and controls to assure compliance to contract and purchase order requirements. The system shall provide for identification and control of nonconforming material, corrective actions, control and calibration of gages and test equipment traceable to National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), and procedures/instructions that are clear, concise and adequate for the purchase order requirements. Compliance with the provisions of this clause in no way relieves the seller of the responsibility to furnish acceptable supplies or service. The Supplier’s system shall be subject to audit by Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc. representatives. If noted in the quality clauses of the purchase order, the applicable quality system(s) or program(s) shall be imposed in addition to the Standard Inspection System requirement contained in this paragraph (as a minimum).
A. AS9100 B. ISO 9001 C. ISO17025
For any deviation from the purchase order specification, drawings or other technical requirements/instructions, the supplier is requested to submit to Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc. a Discrepant Material Report (DMR) QSF 87-1-f1 for evaluation and disposition. Dispositions of these deviations must be approved by Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc. MRB and may be subjected to Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc.’s customer approval. The supplier cannot ship the discrepant material until receiving written approval. A copy of the approved DMR must accompany each affected shipment. QSF 87-1-f1 (DMR) may be obtained through Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc.’s quality assurance department.
A. Source Surveillance – Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc. reserves the right to conduct surveillance of supplier’s systems, procedures, facility, products, quality records, and subcontractors.
B. Source Inspection – All items covered by this purchase order requires source inspection at the supplier’s facility by an Alpha Machinery and Technology Inc. representative prior to shipment. As a minimum, or as specified elsewhere in procurement documentation, source inspection is required for final, witness of acceptance testing and all qualification testing as applicable to the requirements of this purchase order. Supplier shall provide no less than72 hours advance notice to Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc.’s buyer to permit schedule of source inspection.
C. Source Surveillance (Concurrent Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc. and Customer) – Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc. reserves the right to conduct concurrent inspection and/or surveillance of supplier’s system, procedures, facilities and products with Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc.’s customer.
A legible, reproduceable copy of the supplier’s record of actual values (dimensional data), and the nature and number of observations regarding product acceptance must accompany each shipment. The record must be traceable to the lot of components, sub-assemblies or assemblies shipped.
Compliance to purchase order requirements shall be determined to applicable drawings, specifications and/or procurement instructions of a quantity specified in the purchase order. First article samples and actual variables data report shall be submitted to Alpha Machinery and Technology for inspection and approval prior to production. Supplier may elect to product production hardware at supplier’s risk prior to Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc. approval of first article sample(s). Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc. inspection shall be at the supplier’s facility if clause 3.0B is indicated on the purchase order. Form used for documentation is optional.
Documentation for this purchase order must include all items designated by the subparagraphs below listed on the face of the purchase order under QA requirements. The required documentation must accompany each shipment and be legible and reproducible. All required documentation must include the Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc. purchase order, quantity, part number, appliable specifications or procurement instruction (with revision) and the lot number or serial number(s) of the items supplied.
A. CERTIFICATION OF CONFORMANCE – A certification of conformance certifying that the item(s) supplied meet applicable drawing and/or specification requirements, must accompany each shipment. The documentmust include the typed or printed name, signature and title of the supplier’s authorized Quality Assurance agent. DMR number must be reference on all related documents (C.O.C., Invoices, Certificates).
B. CHEMICAL TEST REPORTS – Shall show the results of quantitative analysis of the composition of materials furnished by the Supplier evidence compliance with the applicable drawing(s) and/or specification(s), including revision. The document must include signature and title of the supplier’s authorized agent.
C. PHYSICAL TEST REPORTS – Shall show the results of physical test(s) required by the applicable specification(s). Typically, this data is for specimens prepared, processed and tested at the producing mill in accordance with the material specification. The document must include signature and title of the supplier’s authorized agent.
D. MATERIAL FURNISHED BY ALPHA MACHINERY AND TECHNOLOGY CO. INC. – Any material and/or parts furnished to supplier from Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc. shall be noted on the Certification of Conformance with the following statement: “The following materials noted herein were furnished by Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc.”.
E. FUNCTIONAL AND NON-FUNCTIONAL TESTS – Certificate attesting that test reports which ensure conformance to the drawing and/or specification requirements are on file and available for review. When Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc.’s source inspection is imposed (3.0 B), test reports shall be presented with the product for review in addition to the Certification. This requirement shall be included on the certification of conformance.
F. HEAT TREAT – Certification attesting that all thermal treatment was performed to listed specifications in calibrated and certified equipment and processes. The certification shall list results and process parameters, as applicable.
G. SPECIAL PROCESS CERTIFICATIONS – Certification that the listed special process(es) conform to requirements. The certification shall list the test results and process parameters, as applicable.
H. QUALIFICATION AND CERTIFICATION OF PERSONNEL – Technicians performing Testing, Inspection or Processing per the requirements of this Purchase Order shall have sufficient, documented training and Certification (if applicable) in the performance of these duties. Records of the training and/or Certifications shall be on file and available for review.
A. Traceability must be maintained from receipt of raw material through finished product. Records and material must be identified by lot number material type, specification (including revision), batch number or heat number as applicable to provide a complete history traceable to records of acceptance.
B. Supplier shall serialize parts and/or materials at the Supplier’s facility. No two (2) items of the same part number (on this or any other Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc. purchase order) are to be assigned the same serial number.
C. Supplier shall maintain serialization and/or other identification on Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc. finished parts and/or material.
INSPECTION GAGES FURNISHED BY ALPHA MACHINERY AND TECHNOLOGY CO. INC. – Inspection gages/devices to be supplied by Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc., as detailed in body of this purchase order. Items supplied under this clause require periodic calibration by Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc. in accordance with the cycle set forth elsewhere in this and/or in compliance with the certification sticker affixed to each gage/device or its container.
A. Supplier shall identify each item, package or container (as applicable) of shelf life material with the manufacturing date, cure date, expiration date and special handling and storage requirements as applicable. In addition, the normal identification requirements of name, part or code number, specification number, revision level, type, size, and quantity must be included. This identification shall also be recorded on legible and reproducible certifications and shipping documents. The certification must include the signature and title of the supplier’s authorized Quality Assurance agent.
B. Supplier shall furnish a legible and reproducible certification with each shipment of items incorporation a shelf material that does not require age control after installation (i.e., adhesive, seals, etc.). Certifications shall state that the shelf life materials were properly controlled prior to use and within the shelf life period when incorporated. This requirement shall be included on the certification of conformance.
Prior to any fabrication, the supplier will provide, for Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc. approval, the planned manufacturing process, testing, and inspection procedures to be used in the fulfillment of this purchase order. These procedures will include, as applicable, drawings of special tooling that may be used for dimensional acceptance and plans for performing tests on raw, semi-finished, and/or finished materials. These procedures must document all operations that will be performed in conjunction with the fulfillment of this contract. The Alpha Machinery & Technology Co., Inc. shall establish, implement, and maintain a process to plan and control the temporary or permanent transfer of work, to ensure the continuing conformity of the work to requirements. The process shall ensure that work transfer impacts and risks are managed, for the control of work transfer from the organization to an external provider.
Upon Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc. acceptance of first article inspection or first piece(s) inspection (as required), supplier is restricted to use only those suppliers of materials, components, and service (i.e., sublet machining, molding, forming, etc.) that participated in the initial contract qualification. Supplier’s quality program shall maintain a listing of these suppliers, corresponding to the product or service they provide, including the associated drawing or specification by which the material or service is controlled. At time of purchase, the supplier’s quality program shall assure that only those suppliers who are qualified and contained in the listing are used for the follow-on purchase.
Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc. shall ensure the adequacy of requirements prior to their communication to the external provider. Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc. shall communicate to external providers its requirements for:
a. the processes, products, and services to be provided including the identification of relevant technical data (e.g. Specifications, drawings, process requirements, work instructions);
b. the approval of:
– products and services.
– methods, processes, and equipment.
– the release of products and services.
c. competence, including any required qualification of persons.
d. the external providers’ interactions with the organization.
e. control and monitoring of the external providers’ performance to be applied by the organization.
f. verification or validation activities that the organization, or its customer, intends to perform at the external providers ’premises.
g. design and development control.
h. special requirements, critical items, or key characteristics.
i. test, inspection, and verification (including production process verification);
j. the use of statistical techniques for product acceptance and related instructions for acceptance by the organization.
k. the need to:
− implement a quality management system.
− use customer-designated or approved external providers, including process sources (e.g., special processes);
− notify the organization of nonconforming processes, products, or services and obtain approval for their disposition.
− prevent the use of counterfeit parts.
− notify the organization of changes to processes, products, or services, including changes of their external providers or location of manufacture, and obtain the organization’s approval.
− flow down to external providers applicable requirements including customer requirements.
− provide test specimens for design approval, inspection/verification, investigation, or auditing.
− retain documented information, including retention periods and disposition requirements.
l. the right of access by the organization, their customer, and regulatory authorities to the applicable areas of facilities and to applicable documented information, at any level of the supply chain.
m. ensuring that persons are aware of:
− their contribution to product or service conformity.
− their contribution to product safety.
− the importance of ethical behavior.
A. The supplier shall be responsible for meeting all drawing/specification and approved fabrication process requirements. Any changes are expressly prohibited in specified processes, method, procedure, material formulation, equipment, manufacturing, testing or inspection, without prior written notice to and approved by Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc. in writing.
B. The supplier shall notify Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc. of any changes to the process and/or material for Alpha Machinery and Technology Co. Inc. to determine if the change affects final product quality.
Additional Quality Assurance Provisions apply:
i. As designated in Purchase order.
ii. Alpha machinery has implemented a manufacturing and quality system devoted to meeting the tightest of our customers’ specifications. Every member of our Manufacturing and Quality Control teams is dedicated to our customers’ requirements. We examine every detail of the parts we manufacture and regularly build fixtures and add equipment to our Quality Control department to fulfill inspection requirements, also we accept any rejection from customers before 60 days.
The supplier will maintain records necessary to show conformance with all requirements of the purchase order/subcontract. These records include dimensional inspection records, process control charts, process planning (traveler/router), nondestructive testing records, personnel certification documentation, nonconformance reports, process qualification data, and certifications of materials and special processes. These records will be maintained for a period of seven (7) years unless otherwise specified.
The supplier shall ensure that Foreign Object Damage (FOD) is controlled with the aim of preventing damage or degradation of the deliverable item, or of creating a hazardous condition to users of the deliverable item. Techniques that have been proven effective for control of FOD include proper housekeeping; control food and beverage; control of tools, personal items, and facilities; control of in-process hardware and consumables, including in-process scrap; kitting; and use of parts protective equipment.
QSF 842-f2 Rev. 11/2021